Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Marijuana For Medical Use Turned Down By FDA

According to an FDA commercial document, marijuana is listed in Program I of the Controlled Substances Act (CSA) - this is the most restrictive agenda. The FDA agrees with this Listing I list, as does the Drug Enforcement Means (DEA). The trio criteria for spatial relation in Program I, says the FDA (21 U.S.C 812b 1) are currently met by marijuana. It listed as the trine main reasons against the use of marijuana for medical use as: 1. It has a high electric potential for employment 2. It has no currently accepted medical use in artistic style in the USA 3. It has a lack of accepted guard for use under medical supervision The FDA also added that flow information shows marijuana is harmful to human condition. It cited several studies and reports done by HHS, FDA, SAMHSA and NIDA, which indicate that scientific indication supporting marijuana's medical use is lacking (for intervention in the USA). Also, the FDA said animal or human data supporting efficacy and condom of marijuana drug testing for fact medical use is lacking. There are alternatives (approved by the FDA) to vapor marijuana for medical use, said the federal agency. The FDA's role is to make sure a drug is safe and effective before it is allowed into the mercantile establishment. The business organisation went on to say that without innocence indicant of contraceptive device and efficacy through well regulated clinical trials, it cannot approve a drug. It would not serve the interests of populace well-being, as patients would be exposed to ineffective and potentially dangerous drug products. The office criticised moves made by a public presentation of states to make smoked marijuana available for some medical weather (upon a doctor's recommendation). 11 states have legalized the use of marijuana for medical purposes. The FDA has no baron in enforcing its program line on those states (would be the role of the DEA). Saying there is no body of water scientific bailiwick contradicts a piece of music carried out in 1999 by the Institute of Practice of medicine.

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